Lately I have had quite a few conversations with people who’s lives have not followed the traditional pathways. They have followed Jesus into incredible adventures and callings but they have not ended up with a spouse, three kids and a their own home. (or some combination thereof)
There is some regret and sadness in this that is very real – however I wonder if much of it is caused by our perception of #blessed.
Now I am not picking on people who use #blessed to describe the amazing things in their lives. I know they are expressing gratitude and a humility that understands that every good gift comes from above.
It does cause me to ponder though on what we perceive as a blessed life.
I also wonder how much this is shaped by the Australian/American/ “Add in your western nation’s” dream – and very little to do with a life following Jesus.
Now I am also not saying that a financially blessed traditional life is not the will of God (heck that would be hypocritical as I part own the gorgeous house you see in this post ) .
However I am wondering what blessed means in a new way.
Jesus said some fairly outrageous things about #blessed . Things like “Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted” Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God “.
I am far from figuring this out – but I am on a journey to discover what does #blessed actually mean.
Can #blessed feed into i-will-be-happy-when/ ?
I am wondering if we settle for a traditional life and we don’t risk it all for the adventure sometimes.
I am wondering if we allow the external #blessed to satisfy when the internal journey of becoming pure in heart is what we need.
Golly these are all very deep thoughts for a Thursday night – and I don’t really have an answer yet .
However this I know. I want to understand more what a Jesus blessed life looks like.
On thing I am sure of – it looks different for every person and is attached to their calling and purpose and the journey in their heart to see God.
Stay tuned !
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