Hospitality- a holy calling

This week in our combined Staff and Student meeting Ps Phil made the statement that hospitality is a holy calling. It resonated with me. I believe it is true. That showing hospitality no matter how you do it – is a way to express God’s love in a unique and important way – and have a really wonderful time.

I know that we can express hospitality in all different ways- but I think there is something really special about having people in our own homes and looking after them. I worry sometimes that in our restaurant and café culture we lose something of the joy of hosting.

I am thinking about it more too as Easter approaches- in this essentially non-Christian country we have a 4 day weekend for Easter and I have an empty house. I am trying to figure out who I can have in my home (and use the other empty part of the house I share with my brother and sister-in-law and the little nephews) . I know for sure I am having my connect group for Hot Cross buns on Good Friday after church- which will be festive.

I am not the best hostess in the world but here are some things I know

1) It doesn’t have to be expensive- Good Friday we will have Hot Cross buns, some fruit and tea and coffee – and if last year is anything to gauge it on- a good time will be had by all

2) People need to feel like we have prepared a place for them and want them to be in our homes- we may not have a 5 course menu but we have lit the candles and turned on the music and we have something for them to eat or drink on arrival.

3) Food and wine bring connection – sitting down with people over a meal or a hot cross bun or a cup of tea and a cookie – connects in a way that is almost magic.

Inviting people into our homes can be risky- one of your favourite wine glass may get broken- they may open your bathroom cupboard and find out you are not as neat as they thought – you may burn the roast or under cook the lamb (me last weekend) – but really it is worth the risk.

The last thing Jesus did with his disciples was to have a meal with them – we call it the Last Supper, and we focus on the things he said. However I wonder if the twelve,  when they looked back focused instead on how it felt to have a meal together , one last time.

At Easter- lets eat with people – lets have them in our homes – in remembrance of Him .

8 thoughts on “Hospitality- a holy calling

  1. Lisa says:

    Hey Pammy, I woke up at your house last year on Good Friday – remember? We must have had a girls’ night on the Thursday.
    I remember that morning, we had brekky on the deck and went shopping at the IGA. Simple things, but so relaxed because it was with you.
    You are always a gracious host and a loving friend xx

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