50 is the new 30. Really ?



So today I am 50 – there I said it !

As I post this – thanks to the wonders of technology I will be having dinner with my family- enjoying a view of the harbour bridge and a great bottle of red wine (thanks Jordan and Lisa !) . All my siblings will be together;  my sister is here from Perth, my brother from Singapore as well as the Sydney family! It will be a sacred time (unless we get into an argument which could happen in our family but probably not on a birthday – and either way there will be much love in the midst of it all !)

In the last few weeks to encourage me about my advancing age – some people have said – don’t worry 50 is the new 30. I know they mean well and are being kind. However I think I am just going to embrace the season ! I am 50 – I am not 30 – I loved being 30 but it is long over- and so I am going to love being 50 !

I wonder why we are all trying so hard to hang onto our youth – and why we can’t just go with getting older . One of my favourite scriptures is  Philippians 4:12 “I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to be in plenty, I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want” . I guess the key to this scripture is that it is a secret – not many people find contentment in the season they are in. I want to be a person who is content in this season of my 50’s.

I wont lie to you and tell you that my life is perfect. I have cried some tears over dreams I thought should have come true by now – turns out God and Walt Disney have different views on life !

I may also have been slightly offended when I heard some of my students thought I didn’t understand their fashion choices because I am “older”. On reflection I realised I have never really understood fashion , it has nothing to do with my age. (It also has to do with the wisdom you get as you get older on when and where to show off the great legs God gave you ! )


However my life is rich and wonderful. I have an incredible family, amazing friends, a job I love, a church with a vision I am passionate about and the list goes on.  Right now I am sitting on my front deck looking out at Long Reef on Sydney’s Northern Beaches while my little nephews play on my iPad .

I am a blessed woman.

If I slip out of contentment I just need to look at the world around me – there are people in the Philippines now who are struggling to survive, who have been made orphans and homeless by a typhoon. My issues are light and momentary.

Getting old on this earth is a privilege. I am going to do my best to enjoy every moment !

50 is not the new 30 – it is 50 and it is fabulous !

How do you find contentment ?

(The photo is from my surprise birthday in NY in May,  who was expecting a birthday party 6 months early?  It was wonderful and humbling – and so incredibly kind – dont’ believe the stories NYers are some of the best people on the planet )



5 thoughts on “50 is the new 30. Really ?

  1. Rhonda says:

    Happy 50th Pam! I am so inspired by reading your blog. I was not looking forward to turning 60 in a few months, but have now decided to enjoy this season and praise God for the blessings I have, rather than miss what I don’t have. God Bless you.

  2. LEONIE GRACE says:

    I love this Pam! I’m with you … Growing old is a treat! It has taken a lot of adventures to earn these lines on our faces. Fifty is fabulous! Sixty will be sensational!!!Leonie

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