I have been surprised again by the incredible things that are within people.
This week the third year C3 College students doing their Gallop Strength tests and had some coaching in this area. As they sent me their results – for a lot of them I was not surprised . Their strengths are obvious and clear cut.
For others I was totally shocked- I had not seen those strengths in them at all.
It reminded me that there is so much more to most people than we see. There are hidden strengths and talents that take some care and time to see fulfilled.
Most people are like the beautiful lilies the College staff gave me. When they arrived they were closed buds with some pretty green leaves.
But this week they have opened into the gorgeous pink blooms you see in the photo. (Next week they will be dead and messy but lets not go there !)
Sometimes we can be too quick to put people in a box or even right them off .
When really there is so much treasure within them just waiting to be revealed.
I am convinced again – to look past what I see with my eyes. To see people how God sees them. To look for the treasure within.
I love working with dancers and artists – their eyes see beauty everywhere. They make incredible pastors and mentors.
I want to be like them- I want to see the beauty in every person – and I want to help unlock the gifts and talents in people.
Last week was Mothers Day – and one of the most amazing Mothers ever was Mary . She saw what was within Jesus. She had the servants line up those water jars. She gently (ish ) pushed him into ministry. She launched the public ministry of the Messiah !
Who knows who we can launch if we can see what is within them.
I am so glad people looked past what they saw and gave this insecure, shy, pretty messed up girl a go.
I dont want to be shocked again by people’s strengths (or their weaknesses) – I want to have spent the time to see them. How about you ?
(If you would like to get my blog in your email and never have to look for it on social media again – just subscribe on the side. I can’t guarantee it will always be brilliant, I can promise it will always be real – my aim is that it would always be helpful)
Beautiful, Pam! Love this, and love your heart.
Love you too Jen !